“they don’t know how to be sons” said Anthony Quinn in an interview when asked about his children. He then went on to say, “and that may be because I did not know how to father”.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Romans 12:2
My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers (September 9th)
Altruism & Natural Selection
Chuck Colson in the aftermath of Katrina
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
I accept mystery and paradox
Vernon Grounds
Monday, May 15, 2006
a new type of preacher by A.W. Tozer
A.W. Tozer
“ I must be honest.”
These words are almost always a preamble to a
speech of abandonment or betrayal.
“I want to let you know how I’ve been feeling.”
But God is Love. To be what we were created to
be, we don’t always have to give an update on
our negative emotions.
The reason it isn’t helpful to go around talking
about our healings, visions, and other spiritual
fireworks is that such conversations tend to be
separating and unloving. The little mind gets
involved, we start feeling special, and the other
person thinks he wasn’t invited to God’s party.
It should be obvious that the evidence of love,
unity, and wholeness in our lives will begin to
the doctrine of mental reservation
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Friday, May 12, 2006
2 Peter 1:18 & 19 (ESV)
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
"One New Man"
by T. Austin-Sparks
The Revelation of Christ
Today the need is not primarily for the recovery of doctrine and truth. There may be a need in a large area for the restoration of fundamental truth and doctrine to its right place, but when you have it, when you have exact doctrine, you have no assurance of having life. It is possible to be exact and correct in your doctrine and to be perfectly dead. Whatever may be the need of the recovery of lost truth, the need over all, greater than all, is the recovery of spiritual revelation as to the Lord Jesus, to see Him anew.
First published in "A Witness and A Testimony" magazine, March-April 1946, Vol 24-2
Saturday, May 06, 2006
In Every City
How we should like to make that watchword echo and sing in the ears of every active Catholic man and woman until the very iteration of it set them all to working to bring this most desirable thing to pass. Provide for the growth and spread of retreats for lay men and women and then the building up of that body of zealous lay apostles which the age calls for and the Church longs for will be assured. No other means is so effective in counteracting worldliness, deepening the supernatural spirit, and stirring up unselfish zeal as those retreats in which one goes altogether apart from the world for three days of prayer and thought, self-examination and sturdy resolution, and having broken with life and the world for a time, comes back strengthened and resolved to amend the one and to overcome the other. In no other way can the regular, certain, and constant facilities for making retreats be assured to our laity than by the establishment of special houses like those in Europe, where accommodations are always ready and where everyone knows that for the asking one may get the chance to make a retreat.
Your Own Heart (Some Helps to Understand It)
by Fr. Edward F. Garesche, S.J.
1920 Benziger Brothers