Just a quick question concerning what you wanted me to be thinking about during my trip away.
Clarify my thinking for me.
1.Do you believe that Christ is not coming back again?
I believe everything prophesied about messiah is true including His advent incarnate and all subsequent comings. Jesus is one with the Father and the same Holy Spirit so it is altogether proper and correct to to say the He came again in the person of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. When the Bible records the two messengers in white robes saying that this same Jesus would come back I am sure they told the truth and I believe them. Timing is of the essence.
2.Do you not believe in the Rapture of the Church?
Rapture is not a word used in the Bible but comes from a Latin root word in the Vulgate (one of the only times we honor Roman Catholic scholarship). The snatching away or secret rapture is not a belief that I hold too near or dear to my heart. Sorry! the word rapture doesn't occur in the KJV.
At best I am confused about the messages that you are communicating to me the other day & was wondering if you could refer me to the scripture /vs. where you are postulating your premises from.
The message I am communicating and advocating is for a renewed look at the centrality of the cross. On the seventh day God rested and on the seventh day man rested. The Sabbath was created for man not the other way around and so I suggest that the current preoccupation with "another coming" (second, third or fourth coming) is not what the Gospel of the Kingdom is about. I believe the incarnation was planned for and prophesied by God Himself and not in reaction to man's fall. His original intent was by the Last Adam and not the first Adam to show Himself to us. Now we can rest from our works because salvation is only by One Name. Now we can enter into our rest for all eternity and that includes now. Yes, we have a home in glory land that outshines the sun and that is a great promise we can bank on, but the real promise is that we can eat from the Tree now and have a Father now, not just later. I conclude that we have a God of relationship whose intent is realized in the first coming of the Son by restoring to the Father that which was lost and thus bringing many sons into relationship with Himself.
My analysis of your current dialogue is: That the current teaching concerning the second coming of Christ(2Peter3vs.4) are inaccurate and that there will be no 'Rapture' of the church. Is that correct or am I misinterpreting you some how?
There are many teachings on the "second coming"; another term used today so freely by us as though it were found in the scripture. Look for second coming and see if you can find it.
...Let me know, Peter (the name has been changed)
The question then remains as to how to deal with the great disappointment that ideas so strongly held and taught dogmatically as doctrine are open to legitimate debate among Bible thumping evangelical, ideas that ought to be held a little looser by us. I am dealing with disappointments everyday as I realize that His ways are higher than mine, higher than the horse I rode in on and higher than most of the other guys I know.
The Just shall walk by Faith!
I now believe that the Cross (planned for from before the foundation of the earth) inaugurated the age to come in the earth. The cross is the completion of creation, the crowning achievement and the beginning of the New Creation in the earth.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost;
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,
World without end. Amen, Amen.