“they don’t know how to be sons” said Anthony Quinn in an interview when asked about his children.
He then went on to say, “and that may be because I did not know how to father”.
When man lost the image of God in the garden he took on the image of the beast. Now if you've been endued with power from on high, then you've again become the image of Son of Man, who himself was the spitting image of the Father. If you've seen me you've seen the Father. If someone see us, do we resemble Christ?
When man lost the image of God in the garden he took on the image of the beast. Now if you've been endued with power from on high, then you've again become the image of Son of Man, who himself was the spitting image of the Father. If you've seen me you've seen the Father. If someone see us, do we resemble Christ?
Pronounce that last name again, again.
Lokk like a longhaired hippy to me, but so was I till I lost all my hair!
That 2nd comment was supposed to go with the picture of your friend, ooops I still can't get thtat name.
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