Monday, October 09, 2006


A recent survey released Thursday, October 5, by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life showed the results of a 10-country survey of Pentecostal and Charismatic Christians. Survey numbers show that a least a quarter of the world’s 2 billion Christians are thought to be “renewalists” (an umbrella term that includes both Pentecostals and charismatics as a group). Luis Lugo, the director of the Pew Forum said, “This survey demonstrates that Pentecostal beliefs and practices are literally reshaping the face of Christianity throughout the developing world.” In an effort to understand what this means, other survey questions addressed the renewalist views on religious, political and civic issues. Notable results point to an intensity of belief that leads a majority of renewalists in eight out of ten countries to say they share their faith with non-believers at least once a week. In nine out of ten countries, at least half of the renewalists surveyed indicate that religious groups should express their views on day-to-day social and political questions. Countries included in the survey included the United States, Brazil, Chile, Guatemala, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, India, the Philippines and South Korea. (Pew Forum)

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