Thursday, December 22, 2022

I’ve been thinking about the body lately

Thursday, April 28, 2005

I’ve been thinking about the body lately……. By Ken Nielsen

Who knows how to touch you better than you do? Who knows where it itches? Who knows where it hurts? Who knows better than you where to touch yourself to make you feel good?

Here are some of the thoughts that have recently come to mind.

I clean between my toes and notice my toenails are long. I remember too that my socks have gotten holes in them and put one-and-one together and clip my nails; now I can enjoy socks without holes for a while longer. While bent over to check my socks I had to labor because my belly was protruding and it occurred to me that I must lose some weight if I intended to keep on clipping my toenails. I stood up and went to the mirror and having made sure no one was looking I embarrassingly lifted my shirt to reveal my belly. Since I was on this great adventure I undertook to inspect my ears and nose for hair and even on the top of my nose were some hairs that needed extracting. Grooming alone was demanding so much of my attention and whether I liked it or not it seemed as though it was an instinct I could not avoid, to avoid these functions would be unnatural and have serious social consequences.

Perhaps you’re getting the picture by now. We are intimate with our bodies. We were made this way.

A year or so ago I had to have ingrown toenails surgically taken care of at the doctors office. Down the road at another doctors office I had a probe made by Sony inserted in an orifice giving me a view of myself I had never seen before. On occasion I get blood spots on the toilet paper and hope it will just go away.

People pay a lot of attention to the body and this goes for everyone on earth. There are many more aspects that we could mention, ways we minister to ourselves, to our bodies.

By now you may have said, “man this guy is gross” or “I never touch myself like that” or “we should not talk about these private matters in public” but I want to continue this dialog. Yes, this is a dialog and not a monolog because it is intended that this metaphor of the individual body be seen as one body but many parts. These many parts all interacting together in agreement, in one accord and with one intention.

There are many doctrines and ideas cooked up to account for the increase of evil and the spread of unrighteousness in the earth when the Word of God is clear about the increase of His government. It is His government that is on the increase, not evil. I want to ask a question; is God’s word the truth and our experience the lie? Since when have been called to walk by sight?

We may say no to intimacy but it is God’s way for the body. Bear one another’s burdens and thus fulfill the law of Christ! How can we do it with out knowing each other? Is the body weak because Satan is triumphant or is it because the body is not discerning itself and healing itself in Jesus’ name? How can I pray for you effectively when I don’t know you?

Touching the body seems so undignified and so we refuse to but until we touch the body like we know it things will remain the same. We have been revived and now we need the reformation of our minds so we can see that when we touch the body of Christ like He commanded the body will be made whole and accomplish all it is intended to. Christ in us is the hope of glory for the earth. When are we going to learn to touch the body like we know it, touch it like we love it, touch it and care for it just like we care for and pamper our own fleshly bodies? When we do we will be as effective in the earth as the Father intended the body of His Son to be. The hope of the world is Christ in us completed once and for all! One new man in the earth, one telios (perfect) man (Ephesians 4:13) Hallelujah!

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