“they don’t know how to be sons” said Anthony Quinn in an interview when asked about his children. He then went on to say, “and that may be because I did not know how to father”.
Saturday, May 13, 2023
MOTHER'S DAY 2023 - On the road to Damascus, my mother Rabbi
Saul/Apostle Paul met 'Holy Spirit' and was made pregnant. I am a son of
Paul's and yet we know that Rabbi Saul/Apostle Paul had no womb. 2000
years later sons like me are still being born into the earth by
spiritual mothers and fathers. Jesus is my God and Apostle Paul is my
teacher, model and mother. Every time I read Paul's Epistles I am eating
his/her food; like a mother's breast feeds her children. 2023 年母の日おめでとう
- ダマスカスへの道中、私の母ラビ・サウル/使徒パウロは「聖霊」に出会い、妊娠しました。
イエスは私の神であり、使徒パウロは私の教師であり、模範であり、母です。 パウロの手紙を読むたびに、私はパウロの食べ物を食べています。
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They're still strong, but it's a different kind of strength and they are now having that strength marvellously balanced with sensitiveness, "as a nursing mother": sympathy, considerateness, heart. Another Humanity has come in here, hasn't it? A different manhood: balanced, being renewed after the image of Him.
Now, you see, that's very good in the Bible, it's good of Paul, Peter and the rest, isn't it? No, but it's here, it's here: it's the challenge to you and to me, whether there has entered in the power, and nature of another Manhood, another Humanity, that where we are wrongly weak, we are made strong; where we are wrongly strong, we are made weak. Where we are unbalanced, where we are unbalanced on the masculine side, unbalanced, we are made balanced by the tenderness (and that's a New Testament word) the tenderness of Christ. https://www.austin-sparks.net/english/008007.html
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