Saturday, May 06, 2006

In Every City

A house of retreats in every city!

How we should like to make that watchword echo and sing in the ears of every active Catholic man and woman un­til the very iteration of it set them all to working to bring this most desirable thing to pass. Provide for the growth and spread of retreats for lay men and women and then the building up of that body of zealous lay apostles which the age calls for and the Church longs for will be assured. No other means is so effective in counteracting world­liness, deepening the supernatural spirit, and stirring up unselfish zeal as those re­treats in which one goes altogether apart from the world for three days of prayer and thought, self-examination and sturdy reso­lution, and having broken with life and the world for a time, comes back strengthened and resolved to amend the one and to over­come the other. In no other way can the regular, certain, and constant facilities for making retreats be assured to our laity than by the establishment of special houses like those in Europe, where accommodations are always ready and where everyone knows that for the asking one may get the chance to make a retreat.

Your Own Heart (Some Helps to Understand It)
by Fr. Edward F. Garesche, S.J.
1920 Benziger Brothers

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